Key note address from the District Chairperson

In pursuance of Section 13(5)of the Local Government Act Cap 243. I wish to present
to this audience the key note of the District state of address for the period covering
1stJuly 2021to 30thJune2022.
I take this opportunity to welcome you all,to the district budget consultative
workshop for financial year 2024/2025. I want to note that this workshop is very
important as it is one of the activities that kick start the budget preparation process
for the next financial year.
The workshop is so Crucial that it creates a plat form for stakeholders to;-
•Discussand documentthe development challenges of the district.
•Present and share the proposed budget strategy for the next budget
•Disseminate the indicative planning figures for the issuing year and
•To internalize grant guidelines and discuss key finance management reforms.